PHYS4121: Laser Physics Resources

Modelocking Demo

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This Python-based interactive demo illustrates the effect of modelocking, which means making each mode in the cavity phase-coherent. It plots a graph of the produced temporal intensity distribution of a modelocked or non-modelocked laser.

The output electric field strength is calculated using the following equation from Lecture 16: $$ E(t) = E_0 \sum\limits_{n=0}^{N-1} e^{i(\omega_nt + \phi_n)} $$ where $E_0$ is the electric field amplitude, $N$ is the number of modes in the cavity, $\phi_n$ is the phase of the $n$th cavity mode, and the angular frequency of the $n$th mode is given by $$\omega_n = \omega_p + n\Delta\omega.$$ $\omega_p$ is the offset frequency of the modes from zero detuning; and, as described in the course, modelocking fixes all $\phi_n$ such that they are identical and can thus be arbitrarily set to zero. The intensity $I(t)$ (plotted on the y-axis) is the square modulus of $E(t)$.

Additional equations from the course that are used in the code:

$$ \Delta\omega = \omega_n - \omega_{n-1} = 2{\pi}\left({c\over{2L_c}}\right) $$ $\Delta\omega$ is the free spectral range, $c$ is the speed of light and $L_c$ is the length of the cavity.

Round Trip Time: $ T = 2L_c / c$. The x-axis is in units of the round-trip time to illustrate the fact that when modelocking the peaks occur at multiples of $T$. For the purposes of this code, the cavity length and offset are kept constant at $L$ = 0.5 m and $\omega_p$ = 0 rad s$^{-1}$.

Below, you can vary the number of modes $N$ that are in the laser cavity using the slider. You can also change whether the laser is modelocked or not using the toggle button (Each value of $\phi_n$ is randomly chosen when not modelocking and all are set to zero when modelocking). Notice that the peak intensity of the modelocked distribution should be approximately $N$ times greater than the mean intensity of an equivalent non-modelocked distribution, and also that the mean intensity is unaffected by locking the phases. You can also zoom in to see the intermediate peaks.